Spoil mom – prepare early!

Get ready to blow her hair back – don’t just wait for it to happen!

The trick to spoiling mom is not in buying the perfect present, but making sure you’ve thought of all the little details – and this takes preparation. This is a woman who devotes every detail to you, so showing her that in return – is a perfect way to spoil her!

The best place to start is to keep it simple! Here are some relatively simple and inexpensive things you can do for your special mom this Mother’s Day.

  1. Do everything you can to let her sleep in. Turn off her alarm clock, keep the noise down and keep the curtains closed!
  2. Treat her like a queen. Breakfast in bed, and make the bed when she’s up… let her keep her feet up and relax.
  3. Take care of mom’s chores for the day. Assign her chores to everyone throughout the family so that not only will you tell her you’re taking care of things… she will be able to see it too!
  4. Plan a family photo shoot. Get your camera, your other family members and head to a scenic spot and take some photos. Mom will cherish the photos for years to come. If you’re going digital – make sure you get the best ones printed!
  5. After the photo shoot, go for a picnic at your family’s favourite park, if the weather isn’t cooperating have an indoor picnic. (Yes – of course you will organise the food…)
  6. Make mom a card and include 10 things you love about her! Better yet, ask each of your siblings to write 10 things they love about her too! She will cherish these lists for a long time.
  7. If some special members of your family live far away – organise a special Skype date for mom to see and chat to them.
  8. Plan and prepare ALL the meals for the day. Ban mom from the kitchen, except to eat of course.
  9. Run a bath for your mom and add some candles, soft music and special scents.
  10. Chocolate. It’s always a winner.

Whatever you decide to do, your mom will be thrilled that you took the time to do something special with and for her.

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