It’s that time of the month again when you either feel as though you have wisely managed your monthly budget or you are counting the cents as you barely scrape through into March. To avoid this worry in the future, here are some saving tips to help you keep your cash in hand!

Read more, literally…
Reading is one of the cheapest, yet most rewarding, hobbies around. Spending some of your free time wrapped in a blanket on the couch with a good book is more beneficial than most give it credit for. You get to learn something new, improve your reading ability, enjoy yourself, and not have to spend a single cent. You can borrow books from the library, start a book club or go techno savvy with your Kindle!

Downscale your digs
Moving houses can be a drastic change. However, if you often find yourself in the same room of the house with your family, surrounded by empty space, then it might be worth considering the move. You don’t need a giant place to live. Instead, a modest living area can provide you with all the functional space you require – and some extra cash in pocket!

If you rent, keep a regular eye on the market in your area as you never know when a better deal may pop up!

Reroute your routine
This is an especially useful tip if you find yourself “automatically” stopping for something on the way into work or on the way home. By selecting a different route that doesn’t go past your usual garage stop for snacks, or the like, you eliminate the constant drain on your account. You’ll still be ahead of time (because you’re not stopping) and you’ll definitely be money ahead.

Ask for fees to be waived
Any time you sign up for a service of any kind and there are sign-up fees, ask for them to be waived. Sometimes, but not always, they will be – and you save money just by being forthright about not wanting to pay excessive fees.

Change is good, but they also say if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it. These tips range from easy to excessive. You need to be the judge of how well you are saving versus how well you could be saving. If you are in need of further financial advice then let’s get in touch!

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