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Sustainable sanity

When we stand together, we can succeed together. We can support and encourage one another. But this only happens in our smaller, more intimate groups. The fourth industrial revolution has slowly edged us into a communication environment that is overwhelmed with information. We are learning that whilst we can stand together in powerful support, we can also suffer together. A burden indeed shared is a burden halved, but if we’re not aware of it, the cumulative […]

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How much time is your money worth?

As we build businesses and seek to create various income opportunities, we are always confronted with the challenge of pricing. It’s a challenge because all of our situations are different. Those with qualifications and experience often charge more for their time. But it’s not a sure way to work out billing and costs; sometimes people feel very confident in the value they’re bringing, so rather than looking at the time and experience they bring to their […]

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Learning leverages healthy decisions (3/3)

Readiness is key to learning something new. If we’re not ready to learn something… it will probably go straight in one ear and out the other. That was a favourite phrase of parents and teachers alike – if we weren’t paying attention, they’d lay that line thicker than peanut butter on a slice of white bread. And, they weren’t wrong. When we were distracted, information went “straight through us” without taking seed. It was true when […]

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Setting benchmarks

Whilst intentional reflection may happen at the end or beginning of a year or personal growth journey, unintentional reflection happens all the time. And, we barely notice it, most of the time. But, several times a week, if not several times a day, we measure ourselves against something or someone; we’re either measuring ourselves against others or ourselves. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we set benchmarks all the time. It’s how we discern how well we’re doing, […]

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Building your business online

For many years the culture of all communication has been changing. Initially, many of us thought that the social media and digital branding space was merely a digital version of what we were doing in the real world. But it’s not. It’s more complex and nuanced than we realise. How we communicate with our family and friends has changed. And it also means that how we build our businesses has also changed. With a significant increase […]

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Don’t derail your finances

“As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.” Irish Blessing When everything is going right, we often feel that something is about to go horribly wrong. Sometimes, it’s helpful to smile at our human traits and do all we can to avoid derailing our plans! It’s so easy to fall into a self-sabotaging state, especially when things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped. But just because things […]

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Tired of being anxious about money?

Of all conversations about money, there’s a common emotion that comes up. It’s one that everyone feels alone in, that they’re the only ones to feel this, but time and time again, it appears in daily financial conversations, reminding us that we’re actually not alone. This feeling?  Anxiety. One of the reasons for this is that we grow up thinking that our adult life will look a certain way. We think we will either follow in […]

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Avoid being overwhelmed by change

One of the biggest challenges with change is that it can be overwhelming. There are many reasons why we might be averse to constant change, but when it is just simply too much all at once, we will find ourselves overwhelmed and in this space, our ability to make healthy decisions is seriously hampered. The secret to sustainable, non-overwhelming change is to approach it with the 1% rule. This rule basically recognises that we don’t need […]

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How do you measure financial success?

In a recent article from Morningstar, they raised two excellent points about measuring financial success. Like so many of us, Morningstar believes that great investing advice means understanding our hopes, dreams, and ideals to determine what really matters. It doesn’t just focus on the finish line — it focuses on the journey. Great advice can help people reach their goals. But what exactly does this look like? How do we measure financial success and reach our […]

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Learning leverages healthy decisions (2/3)

“I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.” Winston Churchill So often, after about 12-14 years in conventional schooling systems, all we want to do is “get out”! There are exceptional educators out there who take time and energy to nurture not only the minds of their learners but their whole well-being. They’re the ones who take note, take care and take kids seriously. But ultimately, these experiences lightly pepper […]

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