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5 ways to spring clean your finances

The temperature is starting to climb and it’s almost safe to leave your scarf at home. Spring is in the air and, as flowers bloom and citizens emerge from hibernation, it’s the perfect time to start afresh with some spring cleaning. Once you’re done dusting the shelves, take a look at your finances and see where they could do with a polish too. This summary of a five-step guide that was published on Clark will help […]

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How do commodities affect investments?

An article published on Maya on Money about the 10 key themes investors must not ignore in 2017 inspired thought about a word that gets used a lot in the world of investments — commodities. The key takeaway from this should be that commodities traditionally move in opposition to stocks, so they can be a good way to diversify an investment portfolio — either for the long-term, or during unusually volatile periods. Let’s take this opportunity […]

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Careers and Industries for the Future

When you were younger, did you have any idea what you wanted to do when you grew up? Perhaps you now have children who at some point will need to consider their options and will need guidance, or perhaps you are at a stage in your life when you’re considering a change in career yourself. You may simply be interested in developing your understanding of which way the world is heading. Whatever your incentive, an article […]

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Asset allocations in a post-downgrade world

Before we chat about the current asset allocation environment, let’s quickly roughly describe the term for those of us who may be unsure of what this means. Asset allocations broadly refer to the actual investment options – ie. when you invest money, it needs to go somewhere, and some of these options are called asset allocations. Since South Africa was relegated to ‘junk status’ by two credit ratings agencies, investors have witnessed some currency depreciation, a […]

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Different money personalities

Dealing with money matters can feel like negotiating a minefield for many couples, which is highlighted in this article by Maya on Money. Money has been cited to be the biggest reason for divorce, and differing attitudes towards money in any relationship can cause friction. So let’s take a look at some basic ‘money personalities’ and you can decide with which you most identify. This may not only help you to manage your relationships, but also […]

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Should we trust in trusts?

We live in uncertain times, so it is natural for many parents to want their children to have financial security, without money worries on top of everything else. Many parents also wish to build their wealth to such an extent that it will be passed down for generations to come, and a recent article published in Maya on Money examines the use of trusts to create intergenerational wealth and ensure a financial legacy. No matter how […]

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5 key financial terms explained

Do you nod along blankly when someone talks about unit trusts, or do your eyes glaze when you hear the word ‘annuity’? Do you wish investment terms weren’t so complicated or full of abbreviations? It’s easy to get confounded by the use of financial jargon if you haven’t been trained in the financial services industry or been exposed to the world of investments before. But don’t let that put you off. It’s just a question of […]

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Don’t cancel your life cover

Many South Africans are currently feeling the financial pinch and, as belts tighten, it’s natural for households to review where they can cut back on expenses. It may be tempting during such times to send life cover payments to the bottom of the priority list, but this could have dire financial consequences for your loved ones. It’s a question of weighing up what is worse – the current burden of paying your monthly premiums or the […]

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Inflation Illusion

Old Mutual Balanced Fund manager, Graham Tucker, explains in an article published on Fin24 how many investors suffer from something he calls ‘inflation illusion’. This essentially means that many people aren’t completely aware about the effects of inflation or how much it will impact their savings over time. For example, the average inflation rate of vehicles since 1990 has been 5.8%. This means that a medium-sized sedan that cost ZAR260,000 in 2016 will likely cost ZAR1.05m […]

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5 Top Tips to Staying Rich

There is no formula for instant wealth – but for some, it can become a reality overnight and, if not managed correctly, this dream can easily turn into a nightmare. If you happen to inherit an astronomical sum, receive a massive bonus, or fortuitously sell a property for a lot more than you paid for it, then follow these useful tips that we found in an article published by Fin24 that will help you to successfully […]

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