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The Ballad of Golden Means

The Ballad of Golden Means In sooth, a tale of coin oft told, Doth shake the hearts of young and old; For lucre’s siren song entwines The very core of mortal lines. Yet, shall we to this master bow? Or find we balance ‘twixt the bough? In measure fair and wisdom’s sight, Let not the gold our souls indict. For though the purse may fill with glee, ’Tis but a shadow’s feign’d decree. A full heart […]

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The balance of heart and mind in financial contentment

Navigating the intricate dance of financial planning is not just a cerebral affair; it’s a delicate blend of the analytical mind and the intuitive heart. Money, often viewed through the lens of cold numbers and stark figures, is deeply intertwined with the warm weavings of our emotions and dreams. It demands a symphony of technical skill and emotional intelligence—a symphony that, when played right, can lead to profound financial contentment. The sage words of Maya Angelou […]

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Why we may never have ‘enough’

The concept of ‘enough’ remains as elusive as the horizon — always visible yet forever just out of reach. This is particularly true in our relationship with money, a relationship that often mirrors the depths of human desire and the complexities of contentment. The nature of enough is a philosophical rabbit hole. On the one hand, it is an acknowledgement of sufficiency, a nod to the point where need and provision are in harmony. Yet, paradoxically, […]

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Don’t bank on it being the bank…

How to Recognize and Respond to Email Fraud In a world increasingly reliant on digital communication, email fraud has become a pervasive threat, with scammers employing sophisticated tactics to compromise personal and professional email accounts. They often cloak their schemes behind the names of established brands, sowing confusion and exploiting trust. Cybercriminals frequently target the trusted names of our main banking institutions, capitalising (quite literally…) on their reputations to create a veneer of legitimacy. These impostors […]

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Where habits and wealth intersect

Our daily existence is a series of patterns and habits, some as visible as the paths we walk, others as intimate as the thoughts we entertain. Within this daily walk, each choice of habit — whether tied to our finances, our health, or our personal growth — has the potential to either constrain or liberate us. Recognising and nurturing these patterns is akin to tending a garden; it requires patience, attention, and a willingness to nurture […]

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Finding playtime in your planning

When we think of financial planning, things can get serious way too fast — a far cry from the carefree essence of playtime. However, the principle of play, fundamental to the way children learn and explore, retains its instructive power well into adulthood. Play isn’t just a frivolous pastime; it’s a sophisticated exercise in simulation and experimentation, a vital component of human learning and adaptability. In the realm of integrated financial planning, play can be assimilated […]

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How do you express stress with your money?

We’ve all been there: that moment when life throws you a curveball and stress builds up. Your palms might get sweaty, your heart rate spikes, or perhaps you feel a pit in your stomach. But have you ever thought about how this stress manifests in your financial behaviour? Understanding your ‘money stress language’ could be a pivotal factor in achieving comprehensive financial wellness, which is the ultimate aim of integrated, holistic financial planning. Despite how enlightened […]

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Your assets should fulfil your ‘why’

Financial planning, for most people, brings to mind a labyrinth of paperwork and the perpetual agony of tracking every dime and dollar. It’s no surprise, then, that this often leads to analysis paralysis.  Author Carl Richards (mentioned in a recent blog) cuts through this complexity, suggesting that the core of effective financial planning can, in fact, be summarised on a single sheet of paper. According to Richards, this one-page plan can serve as your guiding North […]

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Threat, Stress, and Trauma: The unspoken influences on your money personality

Have you ever wondered why some financial decisions are harder to make than others? It’s not always just about the numbers or the facts laid out in a spreadsheet. Deep down, emotions, stress, and even past experiences like threats and trauma play a significant role in how we manage our finances.  This is incredibly important to acknowledge when crafting a comprehensive strategy to grow your wealth and harmonise it with your broader life goals and emotional […]

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Time, the ultimate wealth-building asset

The secret of wealth-building that often goes unnoticed is not just how we manage our money, but how we manage our time.  Time is a finite resource. Once we spend it, we can’t get it back.  Learning how to leverage time effectively can distinguish you as a top performer, and as someone who truly understands what it takes to build lasting wealth. A recent encounter with a successful business mentor illuminated the true value of time […]

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