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Valentine’s Gift Ideas

The best gifts are the one’s that show deep consideration for the recipient. That means that Valentine’s Day is not just about flowers, chocolate, biltong and a cute travel mug… it’s about knowing your partner and buying them something that they would truly love! So here are some pointers for this Valentine’s day for expressing your appreciation! EXPERIENCE OVER EXPENSE The best gifts are memories, not expensive trinkets. If you plan it right, your entire Valentine’s […]

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The Cost of Living in South Africa

Every year we see an internal migration of individuals and families between the major cities of South Africa – mostly for work reasons. These decisions are sometimes thrust upon us due to simple economics, but other times we are able to explore the opportunities and the pros-and-cons of living in a new city. But how exactly can you make informed decisions without relying mostly on hearsay or the perceptions of friends and colleagues. Which cities are […]

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Medical Aid vs Dread Disease Cover

If you are paying for both Medical Cover and Dread Disease Cover… you may ask yourself why? The cost of living keeps rising and in the year ahead we can expect more increases that will put pressure on our hard-earned and diligently saved resources. This doesn’t have to be bad news – it can encourage us to improve and tailor our financial planning to meet the changes and test our flexibility! That means going back to […]

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Lessons Learnt from Investing in 2016

Having recently read a report from the CEO of PSG Asset Management, Anet Ahern, here are a few key pointers that our top minds in the investment sector will be carrying with them as we start 2017. 1. The best investment decisions aren’t always the most comfortable During the first two weeks of 2016, a few of the top investment vehicles were down between 8% and 10% – the worst start to a year ever. All […]

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Slow Down. Appreciate.

If you’re anything like me, you may find that after you’ve had a holiday… you feel like you need a holiday! Our pace of life is currently so fast that even when we’re on holiday, or trying to take things a little slower, we don’t actually get to relax or rest as much as we would like. As a result, we find ourselves making decisions and choosing to speed life up so that we can simply […]

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New Year Spending Tips

If you want to change the way you’re doing something, if you want to improve or adjust or if you simply want to bring about a new direction – changing the way you think about something is the first step! Many of us begin our new-year-financials with a hope to saving more money – and as the year progresses, we find that we haven’t achieved this goal as well as we would have liked. Whilst there […]

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Characteristics of a canny investor – Part 2

Just because you don’t have an ultimate financial gambit to sell a business or inherit funds, it doesn’t mean you will never become wealthy. The important thing is to know yourself – in particular, your financial behaviour. Modeling your behaviour after successful investors is already a step in the right direction. Let’s look at some more of the behavioural traits of an astute investor: 1. They get pleasure out of saving, not spending Buying things releases […]

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Characteristics of a Canny Investor – Part 1

By making the most of your income and implementing some savvy financial thinking even an ordinary salary earner can grow an impressive portfolio of assets. Investment success is primarily due to behaviour – not luck. As you will probably know, one of the mature investment perspectives reminds us that it’s not so much about timing the markets as much as it’s about time in the markets. Let’s look at some of the behavioural traits of a […]

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Don’t go crackers

For most of us, November started off with a bang! But unfortunately remembering the redemption from explosive chaos does little to help us manage our time, stress, skills and finances over November and December. It’s like we just go from one event to the next, our limited weekends disappearing under the demands of a myriad of social events – all costing us ‘a little here and a little there’. Before we know it, we look at […]

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When it comes to the rand – local is lekker

Have you ever wondered what causes the rise and drop in commodity prices? While there are several factors at play, the most significant cause is the fluctuating value of a country’s currency. We’ve seen this happen with our own rand in the past few months as our currency has tumbled and gained momentary reprieves, so has the price of certain commodities. As things currently stand our currency is doing better than it was in January of […]

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