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Empathy vs Codependency

In lifestyle financial planning, striking the right balance between empathy and codependency is essential to building healthy relationships while maintaining personal well-being. A recent tweet by Dr Nicole LePera (@Theholisticpsyc) highlighted the differences between empathy and codependency. Empathy means understanding a person’s feelings and being able to put ourselves in their shoes. In the context of financial planning, empathy allows us to be aware of and attuned to the emotions and perspectives of others. By actively […]

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A miss is as good as a mile

Our mindset is crucial to our financial success. Dealing with our money can quickly become an obsessive task; either focusing solely on the amount we’re lacking or missing, or becoming obsessed with saving and storing up, we can sometimes do more harm than good. This is why mindset plays a significant role in how we approach financial planning. Whilst a miss is as good as a mile, at the same time, too much of a good […]

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Create a life of your own design

Personal financial planning has become critical in shaping our lives and determining our future. However, many of us need help to make the right decisions and achieve our financial goals. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in harnessing and leveraging our strengths to create a life of our own design. By understanding and embracing our strengths, we can replace apathy with passion and ambivalence with engagement, ultimately shaping a more authentic and fulfilling financial future. […]

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Why character matters

One of the reasons why so many people chase riches, relationships and reputation to define their value is that they haven’t been coached to understand that they can build a life of worth, value and meaning without relying on other people, positions or possessions to define them. If we want to know how we add value to the world, we need to know what our values are. Discovering our character strengths is a building block of […]

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Financing a life you love

When it comes to financial planning, many believe that the ultimate goal is accumulating as much money as possible. However, this approach may only sometimes lead to a fulfilling lifestyle. Instead, it’s important to consider what kind of life you want and then create a financial plan that allows you to achieve that lifestyle. As Chris Brogan said, “The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms.” This means that financial planning […]

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Inbox zero = energy zero

For years there have been copious books, blogs and articles written on healthy time and energy management, and in today’s digital environment, it’s even more essential for success. Experts suggest a shift in how we approach our daily routines, starting with our emails and social media notifications. While our email inbox or WhatsApp notifications may seem like the most urgent priority, it can often lead to “energy zero” if we are not careful. After running a […]

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Stay motivated and committed to change

Staying motivated to change can be a challenge! It’s too easy to fall into old patterns and habits.  It can be difficult to remain committed to change because change can be a complex process that requires effort, discipline, and perseverance. Sometimes, people need more motivation to change, and with a clear and compelling reason, it can be easier to stay committed. Negative self-talk, such as negative thoughts and self-doubt, can erode commitment and motivation. Some of […]

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Are you ready to reduce digital distractions?

Do you often reach the end of your day and feel like, regardless of how busy you’ve been, you still don’t feel productive? It’s all too easy to begin our day in our emails and allow all the interruptions of ‘urgent messages’ to run our entire day. These digital distractions can seriously affect our productivity. The constant notifications and easy access to social media and other websites can lead to procrastination, reduced focus, and decreased efficiency. […]

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Two ways to reduce anxiety

Our minds are extraordinary. The human brain has evolved to solve complex problems and successfully manage unexpected situations, and yet, coping is less about what is happening in the world and more about how our senses decipher the situation. Perception is everything; this is why coping mechanisms focus on managing, reframing, or avoiding how we perceive triggers and stressors. Suppose our inability to cope is hindering us from enjoying a full life, achieving our goals, or […]

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Because I want to

It’s easy to feel like our lives are just a series of obligations – choices and decisions made because we have to, not necessarily because we want to. From paying bills and working 9-5 to attending continuous professional development seminars, family events and keeping up with the Joneses. When we view life through the lens of obligatory choices, we can feel frustrated, stuck and hopeless. On his blog in 2019, Seth Godin wrote: “If it’s an […]

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