Whilst I work with a variety of products – every now and then a super-duper deal comes along that I simply have to share on my blog!

Discovery Life’s Integration philosophy of incentivising health and wellness management has resulted in powerful outcomes. Engaged clients experience 40% fewer claims than non-Vitality members and lapse rates of engaged clients are 65% lower than non-Vitality members.

In order to ensure continued engagement, Discovery Life is introducing the Double GuaranteedPayBack special offer which applies to all new signups in September and October 2014.
Basically – you will receive double the base guaranteed PayBack percentage for the first two years.

There are a few conditions for you to benefit from this full reward but with the other Discovery products, you could receive up to 45% of your premiums back each year, for the first two years. It’s a little bit of a no brainer!

Also, if you choose the Cumulating PayBack option, you will receive an additional boost of 5% to your guaranteed PayBack payout. This means you could receive up to 50% of your premiums back, for the first two years.

In short – choosing to integrate your Discovery portfolio just got seriously awesome for new contracts. If you want to know if you qualify for this – gimme a shout!

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